Life Management

When life throws you curve balls and you feel like you’re too overwhelmed to make even the simplest of decisions, I can help you get back on track. You don’t need to feel like you’ve failed at “adulting.” It’s very common to struggle with keeping all of your “balls in the air.”

For your physical and mental health, I can make all of your doctor’s, personal trainer, and other healthcare provider appointments and ensure you are reminded of them so you don’t forget. I can order your ready-made meals, supplements, medications, and medical devices to be delivered to your home. I will remind you to practice self-care every day.

For your financial health, I can set up autopay for your bills and ensure that you are caught up with others. I will discuss with you about expenses that could be decreased or even eliminated. I will make sure your claims forms are filled out and sent off.

For your pet’s health, I can make vet and grooming appointments, plus keep tabs on necessary immunizations to keep them healthy. I will shop online for the best toys and supplies to be shipped to your home.

For meals, I can order grocery and pet food deliveries sent to your home. I can set up Meals on Wheels or other services, or even a personal chef to either come to your home or drop off ready-to-eat meals.

For your home, I can vet gardeners, house cleaners, dog poop cleanup, maintenance workers, etc., and be there during their service calls. I will make sure you are well stocked with all needed supplies.

For your privacy, I can take confidential documents to UPS or another company to shred. I will introduce you to my partner who can assist with digital and security issues.

For your social health, I can help you stay in touch with loved ones by mail or email. I will remind you to call someone while I work on something else. I can ensure that gifts are purchased and wrapped.

For your business and legal health, I can help fill out documents and ensure they are sent off. I will set up meetings with professionals and ensure that you receive reminders about them.

For your transportation needs, I can help you set up Uber, Lyft, or another service on your phone. I will make appointments for your car at the mechanic or a mobile car wash service. I will ensure that registration is paid and tags are put on your license plate.

For your misc. health needs, I can set up reminders for Bible study and social media posts, challenge you to write/read/move every day, encourage you to learn or try something new each day, and in general be your biggest cheerleader!

There is no judgment, everything is kept in strict confidence, and we work together as a team. 

The rate for this service is $80 an hour.